In dilemma
always, what does it’s mean “I am a power shifter”, I am literally searching
the meaning whether its reflecting to shift energy or any other thing. On
the first day, I was searching the venue
of the program, as I my mind is new to the places of Kathmandu. I asked few
people on the way about the location, in the mean time I saw the group of girls
standing on the road looking here and there, I asked them too, they replied
that they were also searching same thing
which I was for ??

With many profound questions around the mind, we
are trying to changed into power shifter. I found the program quite different
and interesting in the sense the we were asked to commit as a power shifter by
resonating the voice which calls “I am a power shifter” and at a time we were asked to dance on the front
of the hall which in turn taking away all the laziness of the participants. I
can see diverse youth from various field ,some with curious faces, some
introducing each other ,some were busy in gossips, some cutting jokes with
their peers. It’s quite interesting to
see those scene of youth from different
corner at a place. At the beginning we were energized by our mentor Rambabu
sir, then after different presentation followed by documentary show about the
climate change, global warming and its impact. It is the well agreed fact we
are the one for vanishing as well as killing and hunting of our own kind. Have
we turned in savages ,we always so dreaded? Why we refuse to be the agent of
change? why we refuse to act from now? Continuously haunted by these questions when I heard about
the rate our planet is being destroying by our daily behavior! Is seriousness
is all about shifting power, still confused!!!

The next day we
were called at NTB, Bhirkutimandap to leave for Nagarkot for the next session. As I was the only one
from Pokhara to attend the training, people were amazed asking me “u came from
Pokhara to attend the program” It was like confused Confucius !!!! Truly i came
to know very few people on the first day of the training and I was expecting
that we will be introduced on the beginning of the session. Beyond expectation,
very new way of introduction calling WHOO…HAAA, making two circle, rotating in
the clockwise direction introducing each other .That’s how our next session
start in different venue CHRDU. Entered Sagarmatha hall, discussed about the
impacts that we are facing since few years and the adapting and mitigating
measures of climate change, Everyone turned mute at the moment, What would I do if when the world demands for
me like everyone else? Will I be able to be someone else not me as I am now? And
what if I don’t? Abolished from the face of the earth? These were the question triggered me to act as a power shifter!! There
were about 85 youth divided into different groups to proceed the discussion as
well as to formulate the action plan for the next two months under different themes
such as ecofriendly behavior. alternative energy, ecofriendly tourism, research
and policy, drama/documentation.
attending session and discussion, dancing ,singing, campfire ,chitchatting till
midnight were the random moments in the program. On the last day we, participants
formulated the action plan and presented among all. By the time we changed into
the” power shifter ”.I came to know Power shifter is nothing more it’s about
disseminating ideas and knowledge to other youth, making chain of network in
the community ,country and in turn across the globe.Now i am ready for power shift!!!!!
thats really nice expression of your experience Bhawana. Thumbs up for your candid expression.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to see some actions from the team and wish you very best to grow as a Power Shifter. lets deliver as a power shifter.
I am really glad to be connected with you all....we got to learn a lot,its because of you!! thank you dai :)